Knowledge Digest A unit of MIB intended to provide a site for compiling mortality studies of insured lives. http://www.mib.com/ |
LyteSpeed Learning Pre licensing, Continuing Ed Securities 6, 7, 22, 26, 63, 66, Exam Prep. http://www.lytespeed.net/ |
Ment-r.com Internet based interactive training to insurance and financial services providers. http://www.ment-r.com/ |
Michigan Agent Education A wide variety of insurance education programming ranging from pre-licensing to continuing education. http://www.michagent.org/education/ed.htm |
Online Defensive Driving courses National Driver Safety Services provides Online Defensive Driving courses & Traffic School Online courses. http://www.defensivedrivingus.com |
Online Training Offers a series of GED prep courses, as well as an insurance license cram course. http://www.oltraining.com |
Richards Education Service, Inc. Richards Education Service Inc. provides online and correspondence self-study continuing education courses for insurance agents in 45 states. http://www.richardsed.com/ |
Saenger Organization, The Classes, correspondence study, online testing, and more for all fields of insurance. http://www.saengerorganization.com/ |
Sandi Kruise Insurance Training Sandi Kruise Insurance Training is a nationwide leader in continuing education. Classes start at only $25.00. Quality Insurance training at an affordable price. http://www.kruise.com/ |
Sitkins Group Providing sales and marketing training programs and seminars for insurance professionals. http://www.sitkins.com |
Stedman Agency They help you by fighting high cost auto insurance through communications and education. http://www.aagainfoline.com/ |
Success Systems Institute Serves the continuing education and prelicensing needs of insurance agents. http://www.successins.com |
The American Institute of Marine Underwriters The American Institute of Marine Underwriters (AIMU) has over 100 years of service as the trade association representing the marine insurance industry as an advocate, educator and information center. http://www.aimu.org/ |
The Harding-Lamp Group Provides underwriting, marketing and sales training for insurance companies and agencies. http://www.harding-lamp.com/ |
Training Broker, The Provides employers with search services for training & development solutions. http://www.trainingbroker.com |